Prof. Tokeer Ahmad
Jamia Millia Islamia
Prof. Tokeer Ahmad is graduated from IIT Roorkee and Ph.D. from IIT Delhi. Presently, he is full Professor at Department of Chemistry, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. Prof. Ahmad has supervised 15 PhD’s, 77 postgraduates, 9 projects, published 175 research papers, one patent and three books with research citation of 6215, h-index of 47 and i10-index of 127. Prof. Ahmad is active reviewer of 149 journals, delivered 150 Invited talks, evaluated 50 external doctoral theses and presented 128 conference papers. Prof. Ahmad is the recipient of MRSI Medal, SMC Bronze Medal, ISCAS Medal, Inspired Teacher’s President Award, DST-DFG award, Distinguished Scientist Award, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Excellence Award of Education, Teacher’s Excellence Award and elected as Member of National Academy of Sciences India. Prof. Ahmad has been figured in World Top 2% Scientists for consecutive four years since 2020 in both coveted lists including career long by Stanford University, USA. Prof. Ahmad has been recently admitted as Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), UK.