Dr. Virginia Moreno García

Universitat Politècnica de València

I studied a BSc in Chemistry and MSc in Advanced Chemistry at the University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). I obtained my PhD degree in 2019 which was focused on the development and validation of new analytical procedures with nanomaterials for residue control in food samples. I moved to the University of Seville for a postdoctoral stage where I worked with thermo chemical energy storage. There, I carried out the synthesis of new materials, specifically nanostructured composite materials. Currently, I am a personal researcher doctor at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, where I use the knowledge acquired to date and use it in the use of polymeric materials for energy storage. I am the author of 21 articles with an h-index14. I have participated in several national and international teaching and research conferences and I have participated in the committee of several research events.