Dr. Biljana Bujanovic
USDA Forest Service
Biljana M. Bujanovi? holds degrees in Environmental Protection Engineering (BS, 1984) and Wood Chemistry (MS, 1993; PhD, 2000) from Belgrade University, Serbia, and in Paper Science and Engineering from Western Michigan University, MI, USA (PhD, 2003). She worked as an Assistant to Professor at the College of Forestry at Belgrade University (1986-1999), and an Assistant and then Associate Professor at the Chemical Engineering Department at SUNY-ESF, Syracuse, NY (2006-2020). She served as an Associate Chair at the same Department from 2016to 2020. She has held the title of SUNY-ESF Emeritus Associate Professor since 2020. At SUNY-ESF, she taught undergraduate and graduate courses in Introduction to Paper Making, Paper Properties, Paper Coating, and Transport Phenomena, established courses in Wood Chemistry and Biorenewable Products, and led research work in biorefinery operations/pretreatment and lignin isolation, characterization, and use. She has served as a Supervisory Research General Engineer at the USDA-FS-Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, WI, in the Fiber and Chemical Sciences Research group since 2020. Throughout her career, she has published >50 peer-reviewed manuscripts and book chapters, and presented >90 poster and oral presentations at national and international conferences (biljana bujanovic - Google Scholar). She is a member of ACS and TAPPI.