Dr. Tai-Shung Chung
National University of Singapore
Prof. Neal Tai-Shung Chung is a Jade Mountain Chair professor at Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Technology, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST), Taiwan. Before joining NTUST, he was a Provost’s Chair Professor at the ChBE dept of National University of Singapore in 2011-2021. His research focuses on polymeric membranes for clean water, clear energy and pharmaceutic separation. In 2005-2008, he worked as a Senior Consultant for Hyflux, led and built its membrane research. He became a Fellow in the Academy of Engineering Singapore in 2012 and received IChemE (Institute of Chemical Engineers, UK) Underwood Medal for exceptional research in separations and Singapore President’s Technology Award in 2015. He was No. 6 worldwide in the Chemical Engineering field by the list of “the top 2% scientists in the world” published by Stanford University in 2023 and the top 0.1% of scholars on Water Purification over the past 10 years, as "World Expert" by Expertscape in 2021, Water Purification: Worldwide - Expertscape.com. His H-index = 127 (Scopus) or 147 (Google Scholar). He is an editorial board member of more than 20 journals including Desalination, J. Membrane Science, Env. Sci. & Tech., AIChE J, Separation & Purification Techno., and many others.